Cyril Connolly
Selected Essays of Cyril Connolly, The / Cyril Connolly; edited and with an introduction by Peter Quennell
Journal and Memoir / Cyril Connolly. – Uitgegeven door David Pryce–Jones
Romantic Friendship, A – / [brieven aan Blakiston van] Cyril Connolly; [ed.] Noel Blakiston
Enemies of Promise / Cyril Connolly
Ennemies of Promise / Cyril Connolly
Unquiet Grave, The – . A Word Cycle / Palinurus [= Cyril Connolly]
rusteloze graf, Het – . Gedachtencyclus / Palinurus (Cyril Connolly); [vert. van] Joyce & Co